
Prof. Néstor Pérez-Arancibia


Current Students

Francisco Gonçalves, PhD

Francisco works on nonlinear control design and optimization-based control techniques for autonomous systems.

Conor Trygstad, PhD

Conor works on the development of bioinspired terrestrial, aquatic and aerial microrobots through discovery of new actuation and fabrication technologies.

Joshua Folorunso, PhD

Joshua works on system identification and control using model-based and learning-based control techniques.

Hassan Jafari, PhD

Hassan works on the design, fabrication, and control of bioinspired robotics using innovative methodologies, with particular expertise in the real of soft robotics.

Former Lab Members

Pascal Spino, Research Assistant (2022)

Jacob Mahon, Research Assistant (2022)

Ryan Bena, PhD (2019-2021): Control Theory and Embedded Systems

Alberto Rigo, PhD (2019-2021): Micro Fabrication, Design and Dynamics

Ke Coco Xu, PhD (2016-2021): Robotics and Control

Xuan-Truc Nguyen, PhD (2016-2021): Design, Micro Fabrication and Material

Ariel Carderon, PhD (2014-2020): New Methods for Micro Fabrication

Xiufeng Bruce Yang, PhD (2014-2020): Biologically-Inspired Flying Robotics

Zaoyuan Joey Ge, PhD (2014-2020): Robotics and Control

Ying Chen, PhD (2014-2019): Advanced Contro Theory and Applications, Aerial Robots, Dynamics

Longlong Chang, PhD (2013-2019): Unsteady Aerodynamics and Numerical Simulation

Juan Manuel Oxoby, MS: Biologically-Inspired Flying Robots